Justice for Prosperity generates dignity, opportunity, and freedom for all by catalyzing public-private investments in peace and security that provide a pathway for inclusive growth

Justice for Prosperity

How we do it

Justice for Prosperity implements initiatives to strengthen open and inclusive democracies. Because we believe that freedom belongs to us all.

Based in Amsterdam, JfP operates as a multidisciplinary research center with a global reach, using a layered approach to information (intelligence) gathering, ranging from Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) to field investigations.

Next to passive income and donations, public and private grants will be pursued in support of the activities of the foundation:

  • participation in grants that require co-financing. Most grants funded by governments and European institutions (e.g. grants by European Commission – DGHome, DGDEVCO, DGNEAR) require co-financing of e.g. 10%;
  • acquisition of new funds including participation in Requests for Proposals;
  • overhead: e.g. office rent, website, banking, etc.

Budget permitting and, as demanded by the workload for primary activities and maintenance of Justice for Prosperity staff are hired. Organization’s assets include:

  • donations, testamentary dispositions, and bequests;
  • grants for the execution of projects, subsidies, and other contributions;
  • other acquisitions and benefits.

The assets of Justice for Prosperity serve to attain the objectives of its statutory purpose, including the implementation of projects in the long term.

As not-for-profit we declare not to retain more assets than in the opinion of the Supervisory Board, Board of Directors and tax administration are reasonably necessary to guarantee the continuity of the work and organization. This is currently set at a maximum of 5-10% of the annual revenue.